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Chrytatywna Choinka




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Hi! I am Julek, I used to live on the street. There were advantages - fresh grass, trees, birds, running space. But unfortunately there were also disadvantages - more than once the hunger was bothering me, my tummy ached at the time. I also didn't have a warm and dry house where I could sleep and rest. I think that's why I got sick. Fever, muscle pain, runny nose, cough. I decided to get closer to man. Earlier I avoided stroking, hissing and packed with a paw. However, in my illness I felt that human was my only hope. And it was a hit! In the place where they took me I got untasty medications, but every day full of food! I cut it quickly because I didn't know when it would end. Here is warm and pleasant all the time. However, these people are not so bad. It turned out that stroking is pleased! And in addition, they bring me mice on rods, balls and we have fun! Will you believe? I have a lot of energy, that's why I love to play and go crazy. Sometimes I get so fun that I that I will catch your hand  instead of an artificial mouse, but don't be afraid, it's not aggression, that's how I am. I won't hurt you, but don't be surprised and maybe it's better do not let me play with young children. I don't like other cats, I would like to be an only child, I will be enough for a few cats.

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